Visiting Metlakatla for the first time


This is Metlakatla, Alaska. I first went there in August of 2022. I was traveling to the only Indigenous reservation in Alaska to stay with the people of the Tsimshian Nation. I was very excited to be able to learn about a new culture and experience new ways of life, however, I was apprehensive because of customs and expectations that could have been unknown to me. As we all know this country has not been kind to people that are native to the Americas and I wanted to make sure that my presence was not a reminder or perpetuator of colonialism and trauma. My worries quickly dissipated when I stepped onto the island. Everyone was so kind and inviting. I was able to watch traditional dances in the long house, was invited to feasts, went fishing, canoeing, and foraging, It was a beautiful experience that I will forever cherish. Here are a few pictures of the crazy beautiful island of Metlakatla. 


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