A Challenge I Overcame

The biggest challenge I most recently overcame was moving into an apartment by myself. It was difficult both financially and mentally to achieve. Ever since I moved out of my parents house I had always had roommates that I relied heavily on for social interaction. However, with the way that work was going I decided it would be best to live on my own. I really underestimated the toll that it would take on my mental health. I love being able to do things on my own time, and to not have to sneak around the apartment in the mornings, but as I said in my last blog, I think that social interaction and companionship is so so important to live a happy life. This new move has forced me to come out of my shell and be more outgoing and confident when it comes to meeting new people. I has also taught me the importance of building a community of people that you can rely on when the going gets tough. I have included photos of people that have become my community. 


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